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作者:Alina S.11年级
I want to talk about something that all of us students in Quebec struggle with daily during this time of year. 太阳出得晚,落得早, dangerously low temperature where you can’t be outside for more than five minutes without getting frostbite, 除此之外, 冬季抑郁症.
I never believed in 冬季抑郁症 until I came to Stanstead from Poland. 我在这里的第一年, 第一次, 我经历了残酷, long Canadian winters without previously knowing what I was getting into. I can honestly say that I had no idea I was experiencing 冬季抑郁症 until late May when the sun came out 第一次 in six months and the entire campus came alive. I remember telling Kate Collins that I’ve never been happier to hear the birds chirping at 6:00 in the morning. 天气对我的影响之大让我不知所措. It seemed as if my problems and bad temper melted away with the snow.         
Next year came around, and I was absolutely terrified of what the winter was going to bring around. 我想出了一个我认为非常天才的策略, 在那里我能找到一些值得期待的东西作为动力. And as this approach helped me to get through the hard times of the year, I realized that I spend so much time thinking about what’s coming that I totally forgot to enjoy the present. 
但是享受现在是什么意思呢. present这个词的定义是:现在存在或正在发生. 好吧,在这种情况下,你几乎不可能活在当下. 不知不觉,现在就变成了过去. The future then becomes the present and the second it becomes the present, it becomes the past. 
So, here’s my advice: if being in the present is impossible, all you can do is be in the moment. 尽管冬天会让人感觉有点忧郁, 当你经历艰难的时刻, 直接看一遍, 感觉它, 参与其中, 不要回避它, 然后从另一端出来. 不要试图逃避,因为在你意识到之前, 冬天将成为过去, 你在斯坦斯特德的经历也是如此. It would be a shame to look back and regret not being in the moment and only thinking about what’s to come.  