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Spartans News


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  • January

    Athlete of the Week: William Towner

    This Grade 12 student-athlete from Ayer's Cliff, 周六,魁北克队在与布瓦谢尔队的两场比赛中获得3分. 周一,这位U18曲棍球队长打进4球,助攻3次,帮助球队以7比3战胜frontali. William always plays the game the right way, 在场上和场下,他是一个天生的领导者吗?当教练是一种乐趣吗. Congratulations, William Towner!
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  • Athlete of the Week: Charles Généreux

    上周三,U15曲棍球队的Charles Genereux在新罕布什尔州卡迪根山学校度过了精彩的一天. A Grade 9 student from Lorraine, Quebec, 查尔斯在第三节比赛的最后三分钟打进了扳平比分的一球, and then, with 54 seconds remaining in the game, 他在一次出色的端对端冲刺中打进致胜球. 斯巴达队在比赛最后阶段上演了反败为胜的好戏, 强大而快速的卡迪根山队以3比2的比分取得了胜利. For putting the team on his back, 本周最佳运动员是U15曲棍球队队长, Charles Généreux.
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